February 23, 2024

There will be a public hearing Monday, February 26, 2024 at 6:00pm held by the BOC concerning the privatization of our county landfill.  Remember, our landfill can ONLY take C&D waste, so household garbage is not under consideration.

Discussions have been ongoing about this venture since March 2023 according to documents obtained through open records.  The company that has been approached by the BOC or that approached the BOC (not sure who initiated this idea) is AmWaste.  There has only been one company involved in the negotiations.

Dumping n Landfill

According to the contract that they were hoping have signed in November 2023, there are some conditions everyone should be aware of. 

  • The county would receive $1 per ton and this amount is estimated to be $150,000 to $160,000 per year, so 150,000 tons of waste would be deposited into the landfill each year. Much of this waste will be brought in from outside the county.How long will the landfill last?

  • The county would have to put this “royalty” money into the post closure fund until that fund reached approximately $1,950,000. At $150,000 per year, that would be approximately 13 years before the county actually received any money.  The BOC’s answer to this is, but we are not losing $250,000 per year.

  • AmWaste would be responsible for the 30 years of post-closure monitoring, etc…..BUT what happens if the company goes out of business or goes bankrupt? The county would again be responsible for all the post closure requirements.

  • We’ve heard commissioners say that the tipping fees would go up “significantly” and waste from outside the county would be brought in 6 days a week. The agenda documents show the tipping fees would be lowered.  Which will it be?

  • If this private company can operate at a profit and be open 6 days a week, why can’t the county do the same? Has a cost analysis been made, and that answer is NO because no such thing was discussed in any of the documents received via open records.

 The BOC is doing a good thing by having an open public hearing and allowing questions from the public and giving answers to those questions.  A representative from AmWaste will be at the meeting. 

The BOC must have a cost analysis and determine if they can make a profit and keep control of the landfill before entering into a long term contract with a private company.

Citizens, be informed and stay informed!  Only by being informed, can the citizens understand what is being done and talked about, and then press our officials to make good decisions for everyone in Jasper County. 


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  1. Lake Jackson says:

    taking other counties waste will only hasten the inevitable closure of our landfill and put us in the position to find some other rural county to PAY to take our garbage. this is a terrible idea; everyone should be at this meeting to oppose such a ridiculously short-sighted plan.

  2. gerriyoder says:

    Is this jot something that has to put out for bid???

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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